  • 主要的 BS, Environmental Science minor, Geographic Information Systems 和 Technology
  • 工作经历 Kaart的GIS技术人员和项目经理


Every day, I get to come into a beautiful office downtown Gr和 Junction on Main Street. My mornings are spent enjoying a cup of coffee as I check lines of internal, 以及对外交流. Maintaining an open line of communication with Kaart的 clients is one of my primary responsibilities. 在任何给定时间, 如果他们联系我, 我必须有空, as they frequently request time-sensitive work to be completed.

When there are no pressing tasks to be completed, I default to the more routine work. With these tasks, I'm required to begin testing tools from Kaart的 clients 和 working with their data to improve data quality in different areas of the world in OpenStreetMap, 世界上最重要的开源地图. I work to respond to error messages submitted by drivers in areas of the U.S. 和 the UK to enhance data where navigation led them astray. This aids in creating a better overall map, 和 heartier navigation software. Additionally, I use very-high-resolution satellite imagery to add 和 improve data in areas of the U.S. 和 use all sources possible to identify traffic closures in Denver 和 Seattle.

还有我在卡尔特的工作, I have the privilege of teaching a course on open source GIS 卡内基梅隆大学 this semester!

How did your experience 卡内基梅隆大学 prepare you for your career? 

Perhaps the most valuable resource gained from my experience 卡内基梅隆大学 was the connections I made. 毫无疑问, I learned a great deal about the environment 和 the anthropogenic impact we have on it the way ecosystems function 和 how we restore them, 和 the ins 和 outs of a Geographic information system. 到目前为止, I attribute much of my success 卡内基梅隆大学 和 the success I have had since graduating to the people I met along the way. 

Without the help of friends 和 mentors 卡内基梅隆大学, I would not be where I am today. Many have shown undying support for the steps I have taken in my life in recent years, 和 I hope to be able to turn those successes into betterment for my community 和 support for others striving to embark on a career journey.

What was your transition like from being a student to your career position? 

快! I had virtually no break between graduating 和 starting my career. 毕业典礼在星期六举行, 和 I started my full-time position here at Kaart the proceeding Monday; however, 一切都很令人兴奋. 突然间我有了空闲时间, money 和 a routine that resembled something of a normal human being. I was (和 still am) eager to grow 和 thrive in my position. Transitioning from a student to a professional was a time of prolific learning 和 creating a vast new network of friends 和 co-workers.

What do you think set you apart from the other applicants for your current position?

What set me aside from other applicants was my experience 和 background. Not only did I have a degree in GIS, but I had extensive experience as an undergraduate. 我在CMU的时候, I was lucky to be apart of research involving image analysis of very-high resolution drone collected multispectral imagery. These projects grew my knowledge with GIS data 和 doing research on novel technologies in the GIS field.

What advice would you give to incoming students?

一切都是值得的. 每个深夜, 每个cram-session, every hour spent staring at screens 和 typing until your fingers are callused. 当你到达终点线, you will be a completely different person than you were when you started the race. 你的观点会改变, your outlook on life itself may even change, but you will endure a tremendous amount of growth over the next four years that will be permanently embedded in who you are. The amount of pride you will feel after completing something you put blood, sweat  tears into over four years will feel unlike anything else in this world. So remember to take deep breaths, 和 don't doubt yourself.

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